Carol Frick-Allon

Real Estate Refined


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House shopping...The Open House!

Thanks to an old friend of mine...I was reminded that at times...everyone needs a gentle nudge reminder...about general decorum at an Open House. 

Perhaps one of the best reminders is to think of it as an, Open HOME. Yes..believe it or not, those homes you trek through every Sunday are someones homes...their castles...their personnal space...their retreat, get the picture. With that in mind here are some helpful tips for a successful shopping trip. You can also apply these to when you go with your realtor on your house hunting expeditions.(refer to my page in my website...Shopping with Carol).

Signing in. Remember..this is someone's home. When the realtor asks you to sign in, it is a way of helping maintain security for our listing clients. Please don't be offended...or offensive. You are walking through someone residence. There is always an option not to be contacted afterwards. you're in the door and past "Security", how about taking off your shoes? Would you walk through your own house in your dirty street shoes? I should say not! off. I have been know to help clients back into their shoes if they need assistance. Perhaps in that might want to take a little pair of slippers with you. I mean...the alternative is...that you might get your own feet a little protection might be in order. Sometimes it is clear you don't need to take off your shoes. You'll know what I refer to, when you see it.

Hands off the dresser drawers. OUCH! You don't need to look inside drawers..but may check out closet space....and test kitchen drawers. This is not a CSI investigation. 

The Care and feeding of children. While chocolate might keep them quiet for a probably won't last long enough. Think..."shoe on the other foot" so to speak. If you returned to find tiny chocolate prints all over your just steam cleaned furniture and carpets...what would you think? If they buy the house you might get over it....but at the time it is just a source of aggravation for the Seller. Try to refrain from anything messy.

Comments. Always welcome..but please keep in mind that the other guests might hear you, or in fact the Seller might be one of those guests. The Realtor on duty will be more than happy to field questions and get you answers. I always welcome criticism as well. It gives me a good eye into what Buyers are thinking...and is useful for the Seller to hear as well. When you list your home you too, will want to know...."What did they say?"

I love open houses. I get the chance to get first hand feedback. If you are ready to do more shopping...please contact me. I'll be happy to go shopping with you...and your kids.(I'll bring the treats!)