Carol Frick-Allon

Real Estate Refined


Filtering by Tag: easter peeps

The Power of Marshmallow Peeps!

I will admit from time to time I do not wake up my normal, springy, overly caffeinted self! Believe it or not! On this spring day...I started off in a somewhat cloudy mood. My boys were not making my day any easier(and to be boys are sweethearts)...I wasn't gettting much help. I wake up everyday and I take it upon myself to try to get my whole family in good spirits to start their days...set the tone so to speak. Not today....I couldn't seem to get everyone "in the zone" I found myself somewhat...disheartened. 

UNTIL!....As most of you know....the way to my heart is with sugar, except now I do Agave in my morning coffee...Thanks Phil!(a concerned client who got me off sweetener and into the natural alternative in the last few weeks). Anyways...back to my sugar problem. Easter brings with it the perfect opportunity to shower the world with sugar...or in todays case...PEEPS. Those delectible little marshmallow chickies or bunnies coated in colored sugar. Yummy! Last year I was distressed to find Walmart out of this year I started early and procured a bunch of them. 

Armed with a load of peeps, I hit the road. I visited clients young and old and bestowed my lovely Peeps on them. I wished I had started this earlier. I had a blast! I connected with so many of you. I came home with lots of new information and fun facts! I saw new pets...tonight's dinner! So for all that...and for all my clients who made this a fun day after all. Thanks....that's why I do real estate!