Carol Frick-Allon

Real Estate Refined


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Lions and Tigers and...TICKS? House Shopping and Other Strange Creatures!

Is it raining? Will there be tall grass? Is there snow?...How many inches of snow? Ice Perhaps? Or worse than all those...ticks and mosquitoes! 

Such it was on a recent visit to a country property. As we were preparing an offer after trekking through marsh, brush, bush and tall partner on this expedition (AKA Buyer in search of a house)quietly said.."Excuse me...I think someting's crawling up my leg". She was calm...but did't wait for my reply! After a couple minutes...I walked throught the vacant house to see pants on the floor! My!!!...this was a new one to me! We then found ourselves trying to crush the creature we all now know as the "TICK". A sturdy and almost armour covered beast. Unyeilding to our attempts to crush it with our rubber soled hiking boots and runners! Perhaps steel toes boots would have led to a faster result.

I find it ironic, that on my website , the first thing I tell buyers when looking for houses is.."Wear Slip Ons". But perhaps I need to add to that bit of house hunting savvy advice. I mean...if you are looking for a country property and plan on checking out the acreage...perhaps..hiking boots...maybe rubber boots...what about the ever fashionable hip-wader? (no...that's going too far!...or is it?) And so it was this week again that my country home shopper and I found ourselves going to anther acreage with ponds,creeks and who knew what else....BUT...I was in my car! I was ready for the creatures. 

Having said all that....if you are planning a country trip...take long sleeves, long pants...and maybe a hat.....oooh now there's a fashion statement! And more decisions...Wide brimmed? straw? felt? floral?...whimsical or practical? I told you house hunting would be fun!