Carol Frick-Allon

Real Estate Refined


A Skewer, a Magnet and Chewing Gum

I have fear of many things in life. Some are mild and not encountered on a daily basis....some rear their heads from time to time. One, every six months when I have to go the the dentist. Over the last 10 years in real estate I have developed a whole new set of nagging fears. One need only go to  our sales meetings to hear horrors that can befall any traveller on the real estate road. It's wonder I am not paralysed with paranoia. I can't help but thnk of Bob Wiley in the movie what about Bob. (google it and find how Bob responds to fear). In short, the wonderful character of Bob played by Bill Murray is debilitated on a daily basis and finds it hard to face his days. I might not be that bad,(except for the dentisit thing) but I am plagued with continual..what if's.

So began a trip I took with clients last week to explore a few houses for purchase. The night was not like any other night. Actually, it's the kind of night I love. It got dark really early because of the time change the previous evening. I'm not a sun fan. To really make it the perfect night for me it was raining with thunder and lightning. Anyone who knows me, knows that's my kind of weather. We visited house after house..and then it began. We needed to make our way up an outside wooden staircase to an upstairs apartment. Yes, we had our handy iPhone flashlights! And I my hand...the key that would be needed to open the upstairs vacant unit. Now...imagine foreboding creepy music with a thunder crack that startles you(thing psycho shower scene music)...what if I dropped the key throught the open stairs into the darkness below? How would I ever find the key in the dark? And there you have it! Carol's real estate fear number 27! Dropping and losing the key. How could we lock up the house? How could I bear to call the other realtor and tell them I lost their key that they trusted me with? I clutched the key tightly...then, the tricky part of getting it in the lock while we held flashlights? Carefully I turned the lock. Mission halfway accomplished. We repeated the whole thing again on the way down until I managed to replace the dainty key into its resting place in the lockbox and depart! Whoa...that had me in knots the whole way up and down the dark staircase.

Needless to say...the next house was easier. was dark and we needed flashlights yet again...but it was only over a small raised deck on the front of a house. Was I cocky about my recent triumph and success? I cannot answer that...but as the key fell slowly from my hands as I was returning it back to its home in the lock box, a slow motion video played before me! It fell from my hands onto the deck..and then through the only crack large enough for it to sip through...Arrrrrgh! Into the depths below the deck..where leaves and most likey all sorts of creepy things pass by. It had happened!!! The fear I had had for the last 10 years!!!!. I called the other realtor and assured her I would be ther first thing in the am to retrieve the key or die trying!

As it was I returned the next morning, no more rain...and I with my trusty BBQ skewers, a magnet...and some chewing gum! I had already had a magnet on a string to retrieve things that my son used to drop down our bidet.  I had a worked well, I had even used it in other odd circumstances around the house. But not on this day. No one could answer my question, "Are keys magnetic?" Seems this one was not. I could see it not far below the deck, which to my advantage was just off the ground. The skewer next! I managed to skewer the top, rest my phone flashlight against the wall..hold it with my chin...use another skewer to hold the key on the first skewer and delicately raise it up to grab! (In retropsect a clothes hanger bent would have been better...but I'll know for next time!) I did it! I conquered the problem...and very possibly my fear...after all...I overcame it on that fateful day. Didn't I?  Guess I'll keep working on my dentist thing.

PS...I have an awesome dentist! He's helpng me get over a lifetime of drilling! Excuse me...I think I'm going to faint!