March 11 2015
Spring market is starting to get off to a good start. I get a hotsheet everyday with all the new listings on it. I check it all day long! I often get people into my Open houses and I ask them if they would like to become part of my priority search program. As part of my program I'm assure that they receive listings that fits their search criteria almost as fast as realtors® do. It's beyond me why people say no they don't want to be part of a program like that. Most common response is... No I'll do it myself and I check all the papers. It's NOT a lifetime committment, BUT is IS the most effective way to see all the new listings. Then when it comes time and they actually find a house they are surprised when there is already an offer on that house. For those of you on my priority listing search you know that we need to get in and getting fast and scoop that property. Occasionally, I hear of listings even before they hit the MLS. So, just an FYI, get on the search you can always discontinue it.